GENERAL TURNOUT GUIDELINES: Please be smartly turned out with no bling and no brightly coloured numnahs or boots. Please make sure your brakes work and consider a stronger bit if necessary. Your horse should be smartly turned out and well-groomed with clean tack, but it is not necessary to plait (unless it is the Opening Meet or a Lawn Meet).
If it is the first time out for your horse as well, you should tie a green ribbon to its tail to let everyone else know, and allow them to give you room. If you have ever seen your horse kick you must wear a red ribbon which warns everyone else to keep clear.
CORRECT DRESS FOR PUPPY HUNTING: Ratcatcher (tweed jacket, buff, brown or beige jodhpurs/breeches, black or brown boots, tie or dark coloured stock, hard hat and gloves). Long hair should be in a hairnet.
CORRECT DRESS FOR THE OPENING MEET AND BEYOND: Black (or navy) coat with matching hard hat, beige or white jodhpurs/breeches, long boots and a white stock. Long hair should be in a hairnet.